Soft wheat (winter)
Originator: Plant Breeding and Genetics Institute of NAANU
Registered in the State Register of Cultivar Croppers of Ukraine in 2010
Variety: Erythrospermum
Recommended growing area: Prairie, Forest steppe
Morphological and Biological Character
Height: 92-104 cm
Crop season: 272-284 days
Spike length: 9.50-10.5 cm
Awned spike
Spike colour: white
Seed shape: oval
Colour: red
Weight of 1000 seeds: 35-40 grams
Standing ability: 8-9 of 9
Cold endurance: 8-9 of 9
To affection: 5-6 of 9
Drought resistance: 8-9 of 9
To shatter: 8-9 of 9
To seed germination in a spike: 8-9 of 9
Gluten content 29.5-33.4%
Crude protein 13.6-14.2%
Flour strength W 412-580 points
Potential yield capacity 100-110 hwt/ha
Variety features: very positive response to a high level of mineral nitrogenous nutrition.
Heavy yield of the variety is achieved in case of cultivation on high agricultural backgrounds under intensive technology.
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